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Friday, August 21, 2020

Division of Fraction by a Fraction.


Steps to find the result when a fraction is divided by another fraction:

i) Write the divisor in terms of its reciprocal.

ii) Multiply the dividend with reciprocal of the divisor.

iii) Simplify into its lowest terms.

Required Answer = Dividend x Reciprocal of the Divisor.


Solve the following:

1)  15/6  ÷  3/4


Given: Dividend = 15/6 ; Divisor = 3/4

i) Reciprocal of the Divisor = 4/3.

ii)   Required Answer =  Dividend x  Reciprocal of the divisor

                                       =  (15/6)   x  (4/3)

iii) Simplifying into its lowest terms:

=  (15x4) / (6x3) = (5x2) / 3 = 10/3.


2)  21/28  ÷  3/7


Given: Dividend = 21/28 ; Divisor = 3/7

Reciprocal of divisor = 7/3.

Required Answer = Dividend x Reciprocal of the Divisor 

=  (21/28) x (7/3) = (21x7) / (28x3)

 = 7/4.   ( simplify into Lowest terms :  3x7  /  4x3 =  7/4 )


3)  2 4/5  ÷  7/2


Given: Dividend =  2 4/5 ; Divisor = 7/2

Converting Dividend: mixed fraction into fraction

2 4/5 = 14/5.

Reciprocal of the Divisor = 2/7.

Required Answer  =  Dividend x  Reciprocal of the divisor 

                                = 14/5  x  2/7  =  (14x2) / (5x7) =  4/5.


4) 8/9 ÷  5 1/3


Given: Dividend = 8/9 ; Divisor = 5 1/3

Converting Divisor(mixed fraction)  into Fraction:

 5 1/3 = 16/3.

Reciprocal of the Divisor = 3/16.

Required Answer = Dividend x  Reciprocal of the divisor 

                               =  (8/9)  x  (3/16)  =  (8x3) / (9x16)  

                               =  1/6.

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