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Thursday, May 13, 2021




The sign of subtraction is minus(-).

The terms used in Subtraction are:

 a) Minuend b) Subtrahend c) Difference.

·       Minuend is the bigger number; the number from which a number is subtracted.

·       Subtrahend is the smaller number; the number to be subtracted.

·       Difference is the answer or the result of the subtraction.



1. Subtract 25 from 68.


Write the numbers in their respective columns.

Here, bigger number is Minuend i.e; 68.

The number to be Subtracted is Subtrahend i.e; 25.

Step1: Subtract the Ones: 5 Ones from 8 Ones = 3 Ones.

           Write 3 under Ones column. 


Step2: Subtract the Tens: 2 Tens from 6 Tens = 4 Tens.

     Write 4 under Tens column.


Thus, 68 – 25 = 43.


2. Subtract 241 from 463.


Write the numbers in their respective columns.

Here, Minuend is 463, bigger number.

          Subtrahend is 241 , that is to be subtracted.



Step 1: Subtract the Ones: 1 Ones from  3 Ones = 2 Ones.

            Write 2 under the Ones column.

Step2: Subtract the Tens: 4 Tens from 6 Tens = 2 Tens.

           Write 2 under the Tens column.

Step3: Subtract the Hundreds:

2 Hundreds from 4 Hundreds = 2 Hundreds.

Write 2 under the Hundreds column. 


   Thus, 463 – 241 = 222.

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