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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Addition and Subtraction of Like Fractions.


a) Addition of Like Fractions:

Sum of two or more Like fractions = Sum of Numerators/ Common denominator.


1) 11/14 + 2/14


Given: Numerators of fractions = 11 , 2 ; Common Denominator = 14.

Sum of numerators = 11 + 2 = 13.

Sum of the Like fractions = Sum of numerators / Common denominator.  

                                             = 13/14.


2) 3/10 + 1/10


Given: Numerators = 3 ,1 ; Common denominator = 10.

Sum of numerators = 3 + 1 = 4.

Sum of Like Fractions = Sum of numerators/ common denominator.

                                        =  4/10.


3) 8/17 + 4/17 + 3/17


Given: Numerators = 8, 4, 3; Common denominators = 17.

Sum of numerators = 8 + 4 + 3 = 15.

Sum of Like fractions = Sum of numerators / common denominator.

                                      = 15/17.  



b) Subtraction of Like fractions:

Difference of two Like fractions = Difference of the numerators / Common denominator. 


1) 15/21 from 19/21


Given: Numerators = 15, 19 ; Common denominator = 21.

Difference of the numerators = 19 – 15 = 4.

Difference of two fractions = Difference of numerators/ common denominator

 = 4/21.


2) 7/11 from 9/11


Given: Numerators = 7, 9 ; Common denominator = 11.

Difference of the numerators = 9 – 7 = 2.

Difference of two fractions = Difference of numerators / common denominator

 = 2/11.


3) 9/13 from 11/13


Given: Numerators = 9, 11; Common denominator = 13.

Difference of the numerators = 11 – 9 = 2.

Difference of two fractions = Difference of numerators/common denominator.

 = 2/13.  

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